Cycling Training
Welcome to my Cycling Training Feed!
I like cycling, training, videos, photos & words of wisdom so I thought I’d put them all together and share with you while I’m training for my Alpes adventure.
Thanks for visiting, I hope you enjoy
24th June 2018 – Four Mendip Hills
It doesn’t matter how fast you go, it matters that you keep going
9th June 2018 – Hilly Chew Lake Loop
Building mental and physical endurance; what are you willing endure short-term for a long-term pay off?
6th May 2018 – Hill Reps!!
Uphill challenges make us stronger and fitter, don’t avoid them. Feeling in the flow downhills, don’t get carried away you might crash.
1st May 2018 – Training Update
Planning takes time, how long can you hold the vision of what you want to achieve? The bigger the vision requires you to hold it longer. Plan it, refine it, streamline it, repeat.
20th April 2018 – Mendips: Cheddar Gorge, Draycott & Shipham Hills
Cycle to the top of a hill and take time to appreciate the view, but don’t take too long or you’ll get left behind.
15th Oct 2017 – Brecon Beacons
Sometimes you don’t realise what your capable of until you do it.
13th Aug 2017 – Porlock Toll Road, Porlock Hill & Dunkery Beacon
Just because the hill is steep doesn’t mean you should get off the bike. Just go slower but keep pedalling.
23rd July 2017
Wet roads and hill climbs offer a chase to gain so much, take calculated risks not blind faith.
17th June 2017
Ride one hill at a time.
26th May 2017
Focus on your achievements not others