How to get fit faster
How to get fit faster is not glamorous but it irons out the creases and challenges so you can get on with getting fit instead of starting and stopping!
Watch the video below
If you’re in Bristol or Bath join our 6-week health coaching program by clicking here https://www.christopherhole.com/workshops
What does the media tell you?
- What you can do Not how implement
- Leave you to work it out for yourself
- Not helping you with the bigger picture
- Where do you start
- How do I get to my goal?
Step 1: What Questions do you need ask yourself before starting?
- What do you want to achieve?
- Outcome goals
- Process goals
- How will you measure it?
- Get tested/assessed
- What time do you have available?
- What past experience do you have?
- What exercise do you like?
- What injuries have you had in the past?
- What does your diet look like currently?
- What are you stress levels like at home and at work?
- Are your family and friends on board with your goal?
- What exercise groups are local to you?
As you answer the questions think creativity & critically
Creative thinking
- Generate ideas
- Imagine possibilities
- Brainstorm solutions
Critical Thinking
- Judge the ideas made
- Identify pro’s and cons
- Consider alternatives
Step 2: Start building a How to get fit faster plan of action 1 month at a time
Step 3: Follow through on the plan
Step 4: Review/Gain feedback on plan
- How to review your plan
- Are you following through?
- If not why?
- What could you change?
- Are you achieving what you set out?
If you’re in Bristol or Bath join our 6-week health coaching program by clicking here https://www.christopherhole.com/workshops