Scoliosis Exercise: A great exercise
This scoliosis exercise isn’t about lifting the heaviest weight, think more about hip and spine stability. Scoliosis is a condition of the spine that causes it to curve right to left or via versa and due to muscle imbalances this can effect the function of these joints.
Watch and follow the video below to learn how to do this scoliosis exercise.
Teaching Points
- Start on one knee
- Feet & knee apart for more stability
- Hold small weight by the hip of down knee
- Lift weight diagonally across body & above shoulder height
- Return weight to start position
- To progress the exercise bring front foot inline with back knee
Aim of exercise
- Stability of the hip (on the knee?)
- Lengthen the side of the body
What to feel for
- What side has a greater stretch?
- Maintain position of the pelvis
- Are your shoulder fatiguing?